Though that danger was always exaggerated, the government is, on balance, right to use the opportunity to rein in spending provided that growth in fact picks up as forecasters predict. 尽管这种风险向来有所夸大,但总的说来,英国政府利用这一机会来严控支出是对的前提是经济增长果真如预测人士所料的那样加速。
So the pipeline is exaggerated in some cases, but this does not deflect from the fact that we are witnessing the largest shopping-center development boom in Europe's history. 在有些情况下,虽然在某些案例中盘子被夸大了。但这并不改变,事实上,我们目击了欧洲历史上最大的购物中心兴旺发展。